Tuesday, March 03, 2020

Speculation on the mathematics of God (from 2009)

Plato probably wouldn't agree that ontology is not mathematics. Ontology, the nature of being, should primarily consist of revealing the real supreme material/supermaterial objects of Godhood and not merely their mathematical formula. 
Sacred mathematics would reflect Reality, profane mathematics would not reflect Reality. Both can be created in the minds of non-gods. In this sense human philosophers, theologians, and mathematicians who would define God's mathematical form are likely applying profane mathematics since probably only the Gods know the mathematical formula of God in their God-minds.

But all is not without hope. We can evolve materially/supermaterially to Godhood, activated by the material will or Tirips within us, with natural and enhanced evolution, where we may
then know the mathematics of God, but only if we become Gods. Even then, the mathematics of God will only mirror the Real Supreme Object God in the God-Mind that thinks. The mathematics of the Gods lives within the Real Objects called God and not apart from the Gods in a mathematical form or denotation. 

If this is true, so much for Plato, his cave, and all his followers, who think that material life only mirrors non-material spiritual life, when reality is the other way around.

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