Friday, January 10, 2020

The Mystery of Mysteries

Traditionalism has the basic problem of a mistaken hierarchy saying that the cosmos must come from the higher, proceed to the lower, and then somehow get back to the higher.
Does God or ascending levels of Godhood at the cosmic summit of evolution have anything to do with the birth of the cosmos? This is the Mystery of Mysteries. If one does not want to give credit to a “satanic” power at the birth of the cosmos (as most material-life-hating Mysteries do) one still needs to be open to the possibility that God is not involved in the birth of the cosmos.
It is the activation to Godhood within material life working along with natural selection and evolution that activates material evolution to Godhood, it is not God doing the activating. It is that will to Godhood or Tirips within material life which has the real primal connection to the instigation of the birth of the material cosmos. This  suggests that matter and the material world may be more important than religious Tradition has thought it was.
The universe has an endless number of worlds moving and always evolving, with perhaps a few worlds evolving material life to the highest supermaterial levels of life, called Godhood. And this evolution never ends, it moves inevitably in a pattern---even though it has its random elements---and the pattern has a discernible direction, in spite of instances of stagnation and retreat, toward higher and higher more effective living forms, always evolving toward Godhood.

Higher degrees in the traditionalist school know that the Involutionary Inward Path, at least symbolically, leads to the nothingness-bliss which the Inward Path sees as a beatific Godhood, brought on by blocking all material desires. The traditionalist school does not appear to know that Evolutionary Outward Path of material evolution can lead to ascending levels of real Godhood, the great opposite of the Inward Path “God.”

Civilizing the beast of life and evolution requires getting in sync with and using the forces of material evolution to attain ascending levels of Godhood. Even so, we can in the Twofold Path conservatively retain the old traditionalist inward path God as a sacred relic of the past search for Godhood.

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