Tuesday, January 07, 2020

Both the prevailing nihilistic/hedonistic philosophy and traditional theology opposed the biological origin of social behavior

If we define “nihilism” as the denial of the legitimacy of historical standards, and as the tyranny of means that have become their own ends, as H. A. Trask defined it in Chronicles, then the postmodern philosophy which has dominated the academic world and has leaked out into the general population can be defined as nihilism, selling the idea that traditional values and beliefs are unfounded and that existence is senseless and useless. That is what our colleges and grad schools have been teaching our students.

As H. Trask, Russel Kirk, and others have said, the great Western world was not built on nihilism, it was built by combining the warrior ethos, with religion (Christianity) and classical culture, as well as a chivalric or gentleman's code that affirmed courage, intellect, and honor.

That world is falling apart due to the efforts of those who have exploited nihilistic and hedonistic philosophy and used it as as their will to power, and also due to to the weakness of traditional theology in fighting against it. Both nihilistic/hedonistic philosophy and traditional theology largely opposed the biological origin of social behavior, and that opposition is dooming them both.

The biological origin of our social behavior as empirically explained by sociobiology actually ends the intellectual defense of postmodern relativism. As long as we are alive every cell in our body demands survival and reproductive success. This natural activation can be blocked, subverted, or it can be unknown to us, but it can't legitimately be intellectually or instinctively denied. Human nature is kin-centered, gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, and religious-making, among other things, with group-selection as the primary unit of successful selection. This strongly suggests that if real kin and ethnic-centered human nature is allowed to be what it is, it naturally leads to regionalism, localism, ethnostates, and finally an ethnopluralism of ethnostates.

As to theology, material evolution moves inevitably in a pattern, even though it has its random elements, and the pattern has a discernible direction, in spite of instances of stagnation and retreat, toward “higher and higher more effective living forms.” The goal of evolving to Godhood need not deprive us of either science or religion. Defining the the internal activation of life to evolve toward higher and higher forms and eventually to Godhood while being shaped by natural selection and evolution is a theological materialism that can bring back a firm foundation to the West.

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