Friday, January 31, 2020

Real human nature tells us why Zogby poll favors secession and ethnostates

A Zogby poll in 2018 found that 39 percent of Americans favor secession and 29 percent aren't sure, which means 68 percent will consider the concept. (Chronicles, July 2019). I read that several times because I had never seen those figures before, the corrupted schools and the fake media hide those statistics.

Secession is not my first preference, which seems too radical to me, I prefer to conservatively and legally apply or adapt the constitutional separation of powers and states to an ethnopluralism of ethnostates or regions. Radical revolutionaries are usually strangled in their cribs. And without a federal defense complete secession from the union could leave the new ethnostate vulnerable to marauding imperialists, supremacists, and global money grubbers.

It turns out that conservatism as defined by sociobiology can be one of the best ways to survive and reproduce successfully over the long term, but few conservatives seriously apply the insights of sociobiology in defense of conservative principles. 

I would like to see the conservatism of Russell Kirk and George Kennan expanded to include an ethnopluralism of ethnostates or regions, which I call deep-conservatism, or evolutionary conservatism. Even with the constant political propaganda of cultural Marxism, left-liberalism, and global neoconservatism constantly preached in all our schools and across the media, human nature remains as it has always been, kin-centered, ethnocentric and group-selecting, which naturally points toward and ethnopluralism of ethnostates...Real human nature tells us why the Zogby poll favors secession and ethnostates.

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