Wednesday, January 23, 2019

We have to say clearly what is politically incorrect to say if we want to reach the people and save the West

Conservatives, at least paleoconservatives, will tell us that unchecked immigration into the West will mean the death of the West, and they are right, the globe could have eleven billion people by 2100, and most of them will seek to immigrate to the West to survive.

As Nicholas Farrell writes (Chronicles Dec. 2018) it's hard to win the arguments made by the alliance between the global left and the global capitalists about having compassion on suffering immigrants, or for creating cheaper products from cheaper tax-paying labor, especially when the West is dying faster than being born. So the argument against allowing the death of the West is the one powerful cultural argument left for conservatives to make.

But it isn't enough. We have to say clearly what is politically incorrect to say if we want to reach the people and save the West, and that is, as the people change the culture changes, or more clearly, as the ethnic group changes the culture changes toward the ethnic culture of the immigrants. If the West has enormous numbers of Hispanic or African immigrants then the culture of the West will change toward an Hispanic or African culture. The West will fade away if the white Euro-American ethnic groups who mainly developed the West fade away. It's that simple or difficult.

The biological and genetic origin of our social behavior and therefore our culture, must be acknowledged if we are to save anyone. Then we can work toward developing an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, which is the most equitable cultural/political configuration for all people, all ethnic groups, and the social structure most in harmony with what human nature really is and really does. It can be developed gradually, conservatively, in the U.S. from the already existing Constitutional separation of powers and states.

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