Thursday, January 10, 2019

Mutuality rather than submission

"Mutuality" rather than "submission" is the key idea in adapting the constitutional separation of powers and states to an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, protected by some kind of federalism. That is the political and cultural adaptation to manage the no-longer homogeneous (and growing more so) American population, and it has the great advantage of harmonizing with real human nature, which remains kin and ethnic centered in spite of great social and cultural efforts to wipe it out. Egalitarian multiculturalism has been imposed by those who gain temporary power from trying to jam distinctly different people and cultures into the same living space when for the most part they don't assimilate. Seeing and presenting an ethnopluralism of ethnostates as mutuality rather than submission is not only true but a better way to present it. The imperial supremacy of one-people-one-culture in our crowded world simply does not qualify, is unethical, and is bad for the variety preferred in ongoing evolution.

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