Friday, January 11, 2019

The big problem is that the lefty-hedonists do not connect their morality to the biological origin of our social behavior

Bob Dylan had a sort of genius for creating songs that stick in your head and he now still represents to me many of our hippie-lefty-scruffy-slightly-stoned youth, but he also embodies many of the baby boomers who still get weepy (and stoned) about leftist causes, at least on weekends.

Dylan morphed from a Jewish boy born and raised in northern Minnesota to a rather weird-looking, southern-drawling, blues man, complete with gravely voice probably brought on by heavy drug use.

Weed is supposed to be so mild but I have seen the heavy use of weed change the personalities of people, change the way their voice sounds, and the way their mind works, apparently permanently.

But beyond that serious problem it is the idiotic leftist/hedonistic philosophy of Dylan, shared by sanctimonious people like the Clinton's and the Obama's, and all the lefties in the Media, as well as the lefty baby boomers, which has caused the most damage to American culture.

The big problem is that the lefty-hedonists do not connect their morality to the biological origin of our social behavior---they even declare that such a connection is racist and bigoted. Dylan has created many dopey songs about it. And the pedantic professors who taught most of them this culturally Marxist politically correct garbage are busy doing the same thing to the next generation.

Real human nature remains kin and ethnic-centered, and even xenophobic, but real human nature has been blocked by these decadent lefties, which is mainly what has brought American culture and the West into steep decline. So the natural and biologically-derived movement toward populism, conservatism, nationalism, and even ethnostatism now must struggle against these established idiots to save the West.

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