Thursday, January 24, 2019

Uses and abuses of altruism

When Nietzsche speaks of "the psychological impossibility of a purely selfless action" (WP)," I think it could be said better as, the biological impossibility of a purely selfless action.

Altruism or "selfless" concern for others is a genetically derived instinct on a hierarchy or continuum of altruism that moves from kin and ethnic group at its strongest to the world or the universal at its weakest.

So when religions or political parties call for universal selfless altruism or even selfless love for the world they are moving outside the bounds of reality and human nature. So they back up their universal selfless altruism with the creation of the spiritual and utopian---because nothing real can support it.

No wonder men like Nietzsche declared that God is dead. But God is not dead, only the spiritual, utopian, selfless worldview is dead. Real Godhood can be reached by evolving in the very material world of genetically derived instincts, which are on a hierarchy or continuum of altruism that moves from kin and ethnic group at its strongest to the world or the universal at its weakest.

This suggests, almost obviously, a political world of ethnostates, or an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, and a religious world where order and direction can be brought back to reality, and back to the people, by attaching religion, philosophy, poetry, and science to the biological origin of our social behavior, and by affirming the evolution of material life to supermaterial---not spiritual---Godhood. That's a synthesis worthy of our past, present, and future, which doesn't abuse altruism.

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