Saturday, January 26, 2019

Diversity is certainly not our strength

The statement "diversity is our strength" can be seen as a simply stupid idea when considering what makes a nation strong or weak; homogeneity, or the composition of like parts, elements, or characteristics, such as ethnic similarity, helps to create order and harmony, whereas diversity in these things creates opposition and clashes, as we see happening in America and the West.

But when Speaker Pelosi and Sen. Schumer utter the stupidity that diversity is our strength, as they have been doing over building a wall on our Southern border, it is also a demagogic statement meant to appease their supporters and garner votes from minorities and the left, which means for Pelosi voters in the deranged socialist state of California, and for Schumer means his deceitful buddies in New York. And of course both politicians curry favor with the Big Media and the Left. You don't see Schumer advocating diversity for Israel, his favorite nation; Israel won't even seriously consider a two-state solution with Palestinians, and has, you guessed it, built a big wall between them.

The left and their buddies in the corrupt Media are intimating people from speaking out against this "diversity is our strength" stupidity by calling people racist and bigoted if they speak against it, which is the kiss of social death in our controlled and corrupt culture. But people, Pelosi and Schumer are busy creating the social death of America, so speak out against it!

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