Monday, January 21, 2019

Unlost Causes

The civil war was fought for States Rights not for slavery, although States Rights doesn't excuse the stupidness of slavery in the south; it has led to permanently angry, increasingly populating Blacks in America, which in turn may lead to the next civil war, this time for an ethnopluralism of ethnostates---in an odd irony, this could be thought of as an extension of States Rights.

The battle for States Rights was not won, our big government took the victory of the civil war to mean that power should be taken away from the states. So to the old cause of States Rights will be added the next cause of ethnostates. Unlost causes return because we always return to real human nature, which remains kin-centered and ethnocentric, as well as territorial, and even xenophobic, among other conservative things.

Vile politicians like Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi are too demagogic to see that by supporting big socialist/fascist governments which pander to the minorities against States Rights, they are bringing back unlost causes, along with the added new cause of the drive toward an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, the logical and instinctive extension of States Rights...Happy future?

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