Thursday, January 03, 2019

Is there a cure for the behavioral psychosis of ethnic suicide?

I see a version of psychosis in many of the white talking heads in the media today indicating impaired contact with reality when they arrogantly and triumphantly declare that white people will soon be a minority in America. It is more than the obvious brown-nosing to trendy minorities, it is suicidal. To arrogantly and even happily announce the decline and death of ones own ethnic group, who share many of your same genes and your same culture, is more than pantywaist cuckoldry, it is sick.

Is there a cure for the behavioral psychosis of ethnic suicide? I suppose so, but it will take years to recover. The overall power of the present media and the academic world who encourage the suicide of white Western culture will need to be curbed. If we want to be logical and fair to all groups we will adapt the constitutional separation of powers and states to an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, in line with real human nature, which remains kin and ethnic centered, among other conservative things.

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