Thursday, August 09, 2018

The natural state of man is to live in regions and states where altruism and harmony between ethnically related people can more naturally take place

The evolutionary science of sociobiology as well as human history and plain old common sense identify the collective, the group, specifically the ethnic group, as the model of healthy cultures, where the individual enhances the group which in turn enhances the individual; the often quoted line by E.O, Wilson is: "Within groups, selfish individuals beat altruistic individuals, but groups of altruists beat groups of selfish individuals."

This middle ground of human nature indicates the distortion of both libertarian hyper-individualism and communist hyper-collectivism. The group and ethnic preferences of human nature, which were genetically programmed within basic human nature because they were successful in human survival and reproduction, also indicate that multiculturalism leads to the civil disruptions which we have been seeing across the Western world.

Altruism really is not the sort of suicidal universal behavior promoted by the exploiters of altruism, whether they are naive or not. Altruism arose within human nature genetically and culturally as the most successful way for various groups to successfully survive against competing groups, and that is the origin of altruism in religions and political philosophies, most of whom have tried to create a hyper-altruism of egalitarianism, which stretches altruism beyond its ability to bond.

The common sense, rational, historically real, and instinctive solution to this growing social problem is to develop an ethnopluralism of ethnostates. Alas, this idea is considered political incorrect and is even taboo, due mainly to those who benefit, at least in the short-term, from breaking apart natural group connections in multicultural conglomerations.

Nevertheless an ethnopluralism of ethnostates needs to be promoted, but should be legally promoted, not radically promoted. The natural state of man is to live in regions and states where altruism and harmony between ethnically related people can more naturally take place. Ethnopluralism, that is, regions and states set aside for distinct ethnic cultures, requires fewer laws to keep social harmony. In any case, people tend to naturally divide themselves into ethnic conclaves even in communist states.

Relating these points to present laws in the U.S., if the Supreme Court can radically redefine marriage, religious freedom, and civil rights, then it surely can affirm the Constitutional principle of the separation of powers and states, which could, gradually, lead to natural regions and states protected and set aside for distinct ethnic cultures, where natural altruism could create far more social harmony than the present attempts to force together a motley nation of growing and competing ethnic factions. Radical revolution and the tearing apart of our nation can be avoided this way better than any way yet advocated.

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