Thursday, August 02, 2018

Group-selection or altruism did not kill high culture as Nietzsche believed

Nietzsche saw that the death of God and Christian values, affirmed by science, led to modern nihilism and subjectivism. But Group-selection or altruism did not kill high culture as Nietzsche believed, the attempt to create universalism and egalitarianism did, because it moved too far away from the natural preferences of real human nature, which preferred kin and ethnostates, where altruism could genetically benefit the individual by way of the group. As E. O. Wilson said, "Within groups, selfish individuals beat altruistic individuals, but groups of altruists beat groups of selfish individuals."

Nietzsche saw no way out of modern nihilism and subjectivity other than to make new gods out of supermen who mainly rejected altruism and group-selection. Nietzsche didn't think science or religion could find their way out of nihilism and subjectivism. He thought that Ancient Greek culture had developed a superior way to synthesize the objective-outside and subjective-inside with tragic dramas that were really religious celebrations where the individual could be tragically joined with the group.

The strength of the ancient Greeks was in the ethnopluralism of ethnostates they developed (without knowledge of the evolutionary science of sociobiology) where the group-selection of altruism could naturally function in ethnostates, since natural altruism weakens the further you move away from kin and ethnic group who more or less share and advance the same genetic pool. Nietzsche didn't have the evolutionary science of sociobiology to show him that altruism is the group-selection preference historically leading to ethnostates. And it was natural ethnostates (and of course the Indo-European Greek traits) that led the way to the development of high Greek culture and patriotism.

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