Monday, August 20, 2018

The manipulating of altruism

In the effort to balance the importance of the biological origin of our social behavior, which is ignored in our culture, we tend to under-emphasize the influence of culture. This is especially seen in the insider/outsider dynamic of altruism, the principle or practice of concern for the welfare of others.

Altruism has been manipulated by egalitarian universalist religions and egalitarian universalist philosophies away from its genetically based survival and reproductive value of encouraging bonding with those who share ones same gene pool to demanding egalitarian universalist altruism for everyone and all gene pools.

This has not worked well since distinctly different people with distinctly different gene pools do not assimilate or bond well, and so competition and social disruptions, not social harmony, results, as we are increasingly seeing in our supposedly egalitarian universalist societies.

All the energy spent trying to jam distinctly different people into the same living space would be far better spent allowing distinctly different ethnic groups their own living space in their own ethnostates, where altruism need not be manipulated and the principle of concern for the welfare of others can actually work as it is genetically designed to do.

An ethnopluralism of ethnostates will give us a far better chance to achieve the peace and harmony that egalitarians and universalists endlessly go on about, because it is in harmony with the biological origin of most of our social behavior.

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