Tuesday, August 07, 2018

The enemies of the biologicalization of culture and politics

The enemies of the biologicalization of culture and politics are mainly driven by their own biological drives for survival and reproductive success, although more or less unaware of it.

This does not mean there are no problems in affirming the biological origin of most of our social behavior, even if the evolutionary science of sociobiology affirms it. The world is now crowded with distinctly different ethnic groups and cultures, and all groups will make war against any group like the Nazis or the imperialistic communists who claim supremacy over all other groups.

Hegel's rational dialectical world leading toward a spiritual world, or Nietzsche's aristocratic geniuses creating cultures but also ruling slaves, does not work in our modern world, as we have seen with the fall of the Nazis and the communists, and the continuing decline of present imperialist-minded powers.

I believe the modern world can best deal with the natural competitive kin-centeredness and ethnocentrism of human nature by developing an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, which can then be whatever they can be, protected in their relative independence by some version of federalism, with no supremacy or imperialism allowed to disturb the natural homogeneity of the ethnostates.

This need not be as radical as it sounds. An ethnopluralism of ethnostates or regions could be conservatively established legally in the United States with our existing constitutional separation of powers and states, although it may require a few constitutional amendments to give even more power to the states.

I say again, the enemies of the biologicalization of culture and politics are mainly driven by their own biological drives for survival and reproductive success; they are the ones preventing natural ethnostates from developing realistic long-term peace and order in the modern world.

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