Saturday, September 13, 2014

Thoughts on advancing human evolution

A good way to help advance human evolution is to just get out of the way, nature tends to have ways of gradually perfecting itself, such as the development from the simple to the complex, mind from matter, human from ape, etc. This relates to what has been called the “anthropic principle,” the idea that if the laws or initial conditions of the universe had been even slightly different, life would not have arisen, suggesting that the universe is fine-tuned for life from the start. For me this helps affirm the idea that there could be a causality in the essence of the universe, within the Primal Material, even before what we define as “life” evolves, which I define as a supermaterial Spirit-Will-To-Godhood. Those who say evolution is pointless do not see that life and evolution seek the zenith of survival in evolving to Godhood.

But natural selection has slowed with modern technology saving all lives, so we now think in terms of speeding up the evolutionary process by applying studies in sociobiology and genetics. Human beings are now capable of altering their own existence, which can help us lose the grip of determinism. There are of course perils in applying scientific naturalism, but there are more perils in promoting unnatural, culturally Marxists, political utopias. Normal people are already, increasingly, using the new tools of genetics toward having children, and medical science has been enhanced by genetic engineering, etc. Even so, as we are applying sociobiology we should never underestimate the natural forces of evolution, which are bigger than we are. The character of evolution cannot be precisely formulated, it is susceptible to change, but we can see the general direction toward higher consciousness, truth and beauty, and toward the zenith of these things, with starts and stops along the way.

I think we should also be aware of what might be called the transhumanist trap. We could become trapped at the human level if we merely settle for human-enhancing gadgets, intelligent machines etc. Gadgets may be more politically correct to talk about, since human evolution remains virtually a taboo subject, but it is life, not gadgets, that is evolving toward higher and higher species, on the path toward Godhood. Technology needs to be only a tool in aiding the evolution of real life.

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