Sunday, September 28, 2014

The celebration of garbage with no good guys allowed

The morals and values of our Western culture did not depend solely on Christian values, before religion was even created or consulted real human nature related well to traditional religion in being kin-centered, gender defined, age-grading, heterosexual marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, among other things, with group-selection as the primary unit of selection.

Not that long ago characters in the entertainment media could be bad, but we wanted well drawn believable bad characters to show us how well drawn good characters were superior. Not any more. Now it's strait decadence and decay for the sake of decadence and decay. Reviewer's now actually criticize characters for being “hemmed in” by invisible moral boundaries, amoral protagonists are celebrated for boldly breaking all the ethical rules.

Some of this celebration of garbage has to do with the lack of courage of nerdy writers to go against fashionable trends, and some may come from a direct desire to destroy traditional morals, but most of it comes for the cultural Marxism (political correctness) taught throughout our college and university systems which allows no moral judgments, other than being against those who make any moral judgments.

The entertainment media is far more powerful and influential in a negative way than many of us thought it could be. Whether this means breaking up the media monopolies or building up our own media along side their monstrous media, remains to be seen. Meanwhile we sink further into the garbage, and no good guys are allowed. How can we change things! I am an American patriot and I don't advocate fascism, but it is becoming easier to understand how the fascists of the last century could scream in frustration over the  destructive media in their societies.

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