Monday, September 15, 2014

The task of reviving religion means transforming the sacred path toward Godhood

Marxism and its spawn cultural Marxism (now seen in political correctness) wanted to banish or abolish religion calling it the "other world” and wanted to put in its place a radical Marxist version of the truth. But the fact is, nature generally works conservatively and so also should cultural change, as Edmund Burke pointed out in his work. This applies to religious change as well. The task of reviving religion is not to abolish the “other world” of the Inward Path which leads to the symbolic experience of the God or Father Within, but to transform the Inward Path to the Outward Path of material/supermaterial evolution toward real Godhood, retaining both Paths in the Twofold Path. Biological materialism is not the origin of evil or original sin, it is the vehicle by which we evolve to real Godhood.

Politically this doesn’t call for the radical imperialism of Marxism, or global dictatorships, our evolution can work with various systems, including democratic republics. Man is a group animal and human nature always has preferred to bond with kin and related group, which was and remains our method to successful survival. This suggests a variety of separate regions and small states, or virtual ethnostates, where ongoing evolution can best take place, protected by a light sort of federalism. As Raymond Cattell first suggested, sociobiological research centers for all people can help in our ongoing evolution toward higher consciousness, truth and beauty. The task of reviving religion means transforming the sacred path toward Godhood.

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