Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Stirred by beauty in art while conservatively evolving

We can be stirred by a beauty that is not novelty and impulsive excitement. I like that active movement applied against postmodern so-called art. I have called this the affirmation of the sacred---and it has to be more than boring affirmations, it has to stir in the way Burke describes beauty and excitement, which is now being overwhelmed by the novelty and excitement of postmodern nihilism, hedonism and hypertrophied individualist libertarianism. The present Media is genius in destructive seduction.

Beauty is greater than the sum of its parts---in human terms, think of a beautiful woman. In sacred and biological terms there is a connection between beauty and the sacred when the sacred is grounded in our biological evolution to Godhood defined as the zenith of beauty.  T.S. Eliot agreed in a sense when he said that beauty leads to the sacred. But by sacred I don't mean airy spiritual beauty, or merely the beauty of ultimate logic or Forms, as Eliot probably meant it; Godhood is the zenith of success in the survival of life, which is also seen as the zenith of truth, beauty and goodness. Godhood is a Supreme Object, or Objects, which life can evolve to become in the cosmos.

In evolutionary terms, leading to the sacred means that the form is not fixed forever, conservatism in art as well as in human and social evolution, means change while preserving the best of the past. We can be stirred by the beauty of art while conservatively evolving. Stability aids in evolution so that the best can be secured before moving ever onward to the higher and ascending levels of Godhood.

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