Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Unity in future evolution

What kind of unity do we need for the future? A light federation of small states and nations united in the goal of evolution, not through coercion, but voluntarily, reasonably and naturally federated and united. We want bio-cultural diversity with the common goal of evolution to Godhood. One single group can be wiped out without bio-cultural diversity. As Raymond Cattell suggested, research and religion can help guide our evolution, and it can be internationally supported.

Transhumanists and Singularitarians are willing to employ genetic engineering and cyborgian implants in future evolution as anarchic individuals, but this plan seems based in the mistake libertarians make of overlooking group-selection as having been the central creator of ethics in human social evolution, as E.O.Wilson has reiterated.

Perhaps due to political correctness transhumanists tend to leave out two important ideas on future evolution, as listed by Cattell: 1, paying attention to the birth/death ratio rates of populations no longer working with natural selection, due to modern medicine etc , and 2, affirming a separation of states and groups as happened naturally in human evolution, along with well chosen breeding---a healthy society will seek to increase its supply of high IQ's by favoring assortative (similarity in pairs) mating, which tends to happen naturally anyway.

Even with all the counter forces against small free states and evolution, it is possible to have mutually agreed upon autonomy of small states and nations with each following their own paths of evolution, guided by research and religion, and protected by a light federalism. This is the only configuration that makes long term sense given human nature and nature itself. The complexity of it can be handled, for example, America was even originally set up with many independent small states and light federalism, humans are capable of this, indeed our survival might depend on it.  And it is a divine mission, since the goal is evolving to Godhood.

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