Saturday, December 15, 2012

On Moral Law

Moral law is related to the imperatives of the laws of nature, which ultimately applies to the evolution of material and supermaterial life to attain Godhood.

Material life is activated by the Spirit-Will within material life and is then shaped by evolution. Due weight is not given to the activating Spirit-Will by evolutionary science which usually rejects its existence. This leads to shorter-term moral laws, or to nature without a divine goal, and this blunts survival and reproductive success as the only goal.

Human consciousness includes the Spirit-Will within the immediate total of sense experience, residing in and influencing the material body, but although material, it is usually unconscious.  Thought is not as important as the living object. Psychology and social philosophy involve harmonizing the lower drives and instincts with the higher drive and instinct of life evolving to Godhood.

Godhood is a supreme, living, supermaterial object or objects which material life can evolve to, Godhood is not merely a symbol, mathematical form, or nonmaterial sacred word.

Natural law, as articulated by sociobiology, governs human actions in creating ethics, primarily through group-selection, but the activating divine goal of Godhood in evolution also governs human actions and needs to be added to sociobiology.

Kin, group, region, national, and world success in survival and reproduction have a hierarchy of values and morals, while maintaining the divine goal of Godhood for all. This pragmatically suggests cooperative competition to reach the goal, with independent small states protected by light federalism, guided by religion and science.

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