Saturday, December 29, 2012

How the Constitution can help us secure a realistic Future

If the choice is clashes and civil war between different cultures and races in America, or the constitutionally sanctioned independence and separation of the states, the sane choice is more independence of the states and regions, where differences can be celebrated, while being protected by a light federalism.

Human history and the sociobiological sciences have rightly said that the main creator of human ethics has been group-selection, where altruism within the group helped the group survive and reproduce more successfully than the groups with less altruism within the group. This became written in the code of basic human nature, and it is this that can and will help determine the future course off human history. To deny basic human nature with the wishful hope of all groups getting along living in the same spot, no matter how different they are, or even attempting to force harmony as has been done with cultural Marxism, will never stop the clashes between different cultures with different behaviors.

Americans should feel fortunate that that we do not even need to apply the choice, written in our a Constitution, giving the people the right to secure a form of government calculated to promote safety and happiness, even if it means altering the form of government, if necessary. This is the famous right of revolution. But the Constitution gives the states independence and freedom, especially with the Tenth Amendment, which means that revolution, secession, etc., are not necessary---secession would eliminate the basic protection of the independence of the states that is provided by the light federalism, leading to more clashes.

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