Tuesday, December 11, 2012

How I don't see a big conflict between reason and faith

Reason, observation and sense experience point the way toward faith, trust and idealism, more so than the practice of faith pointing the way toward reason in traditional (mostly Roman Catholic) Christianity.

For example, we can scientifically see the direction of evolution from the simple to the complex in the evolution of the fish to human beings, and this can point the way toward faith, idealism or a hypothesis of higher evolved more complex beings, all the way to the highest evolved Godhood.

We have extended the reach of reason, observation and sense experience with technology, and I believe with higher human and post-human evolution we can scientifically prove the existence of the highest evolved beings, all the way to Godhood, but we may have to become Gods to accurately and super-reasonably define super-material Godhood.

I also think the God Within or the Father Within of traditional religion does exist, but as a blissful state of mind and knowledge, which will be known or seen scientifically with the right observation and technology, although in the Twofold Path of the Evolutionary Church the Father Within is known as a mirror or virtual experience of real Godhood reached through material and super-material evolution.

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