Sunday, October 02, 2011

The Synthesis of Evolution and the Spirit-Will

The Bridge Between Faith and Reason

Defining Eternal Justice

For me the zenith of hypothesis and theory is faith. Absolute belief in reason can corrupt as readily as absolute belief in faith. I see a seamless connection between faith and reason. I see the Theoevolutionary Church as the fulfillment of previous religion and science, not the rejection of either. I believe that science will one day affirm supermateriality and the evolution of life to Godhood.

The Theoevolutionary Churchis a bridge between the Pagan/Christian, material/spiritual, esoteric/exoteric, sacred/profane, and faith/reason.

That which helps order all things, evolution, is essentially influenced by that which animates all things, the Spirit-Will. This is the basis of the connection between the faith of the Spirit-Will and the reason of evolution. Eternal justice is defined as the synthesis of evolution and the Spirit-Will.

In the Twofold Path, the Evolutionary Outward Path expresses itself in real things, in real objects, the material world evolves to the supermaterial world, which was formerly designated as spiritual, and was seen only in the Involutionary Inward Path to the Father Within or God Within.

The Spirit-Will from within knows the goal but must work with evolution from without. Evolution helps shape the goal, which is not always a vertical path. Devolution and entropy do happen. The task of human beings, the mission of the Theoevolutionary Church, is to affirm and enhance the goal of Godhood in evolution, which is the goal of the Spirit-Will.  To quote Virgil, this is how "the new order of the centuries is born." 

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