Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sacred Balance

Balance is a vital part of the Twofold Path, a balance between the preservation of religious and cultural heritage, and evolution. This defines Ordered Evolution and Revitalized Conservatism in the Theoevolutionary Church (TC).

The two people who influenced me most intellectually were Russell Kirk and Raymond Cattell. Kirk showed me the importance of order and classical conservatism, and Cattell taught me the importance of evolution and sociobiology.

Intellectual intuition provided the synthesis of these things, blending them into the religious philosophy. The TC provided the alternative to the despair and relativity of modern culture, and to the decline and fall of religion. This religion does not withdraw from the world, on the contrary, it sees an evolving material world as the only vehicle to evolve to supermaterial Godhood, the God first seen virtually and inwardly by the Revealed Religions.

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