Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Root of Materialism

The "perfect” is not the “cause,” that which seeks the perfect is the cause, which helps explain the purpose of cause and why there is a cause.

It is the Spirit-Will that seeks perfect Godhood and It must do so by activating and riding material/supermaterial evolution to Godhood.

Being is not only truth, Being is first Being and secondarily defined as truth, Being or Godhood itself  alone can know Absolute Truth.

The Spirit-Will rises along with the simple root of the material cosmos to evolve along with the cosmos to Godhood. The Spirit-Will could be called “essence” and the material body is “existence” and both rise together to Godhood, the goal of essence and existence.

This affirms the root of theological materialism in the cosmos, and the cause of cosmic Godhood.

A side point of interest:  in addition to the Godhood of Christianity, seen in the Twofold Path of the Theoevolutionary Church, one can make a connection here with the World Tree of the Old Religion, seen with its roots as the underworld, Hel, or the beginning of the simple “big bang” comos, and the top of the Cosmic Tree as evolved to Godhood.  

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