Friday, October 21, 2011

Answering Buchanan

Yes Pat, America is disintegrating, “breaking down along fault lines of politics, race, ethnicity, culture and faith; centrifugal forces in society have now become the dominant force.” ( Buchanan essay here) But rather than fight it, or mourn it, our true Constitution can handle this fearful change.

We can apply our real Constitution and give the power back to the states and regions, let them exist with true variety and independence, all protected (and I mean protected) by a light federalism. The future is bringing a country that does not look the same as it did when we were one country of the same ancestors, speaking the same language, or professing the same religion. History, life and evolution move along.

We have been blessed with a Constitution that can affirm these inevitable changes.  Can we?  Out of the ashes of the falling superpower can rise a nation of truly independent states. Although this is a big change it is not a "secession" to fear, it is a return to variety, health and power, a more natural way for all of us to live.

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