Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Kantian Trap

I won't fall into the Kantian trap (and it is a trap) of thinking of the world as only our mind's myth of the world, or affirming a higher non-material world always beyond our minds and ideas, rather than a supermaterial world. This is a game (and it is a game) that philosopher's play.

Human beings are glorified or evolved animals, and we can watch the other animals to see what they can see of the world. We can see the higher that life and consciousness evolve, the more life can see and know of actual reality. Then we can hypertrophy consciousness and intelligence from what the frog sees to the highest point, or Godhood, which could see more or all of Reality.

Nothing more of epistemology is as important as this simple, practical view of reality. The rest is mainly a trap and a game, which eventually led to the absurdity and nothingness of modern philosophy, which in turn led to the decline of the West.

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