Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Beyond the Stoics

It is rational as well as moral to follow material evolution to supermaterial Godhood, activated by the Spirit-Will. This is not much different than compliance with the laws of physics. Nature is in this sense the judge of human behavior.

We cannot perfectly accommodate the laws of evolution but we can do our best to accommodate them. We conduct our lives to satisfy the natural laws and not merely our individual whims. Both external and internal events are dominated by the Spirit-Will, or the Will To Godhood, which activates all life in conjunction with natural evolution which shapes life from without.

This is a stoic view of life and human nature, as the Spirit-Will is beyond our complete control, but unlike the stoics who thought we are the playthings of the Gods, or fate, we have the divine goal of evolving to Godhood in the cosmos. We can control our actions through values and morals which are in harmony with the natural laws and with the activation of life to Godhood.  This defines a partial "free will," not a complete free will---the large rock rolling down the mountain can take different paths, but it is rolling down the mountain in any case. 

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