Thursday, October 27, 2011

Expanding Religion From The Inward Path To The Outward Path

There is more to religion than the Inward Path

Only in the Involutionary Inward Path do the metaphysics of the mind and reason go beyond thenselves and enter the mysticism (intellectus) of the Soul (see “Heidegger and Aquinas” by Caputo).  This is defined as union with God and it is essentially the goal of the Revealed Religions.

In the Inward Path, God is described as not an object but a presence, a vision that envelops one in the Soul. This was the goal not only of the great St. Thomas Aquinas, this is also the goal of the Eastern religions, but put in culturally different terms.

There is more to metaphysics and religion than the Inward Path to the Soul and the God Within. It is the Evolutionary Outward Path that brings life to the Supreme Object Godhood and not "merely" to the non-object vision of God in the Soul. This is the message of the Twofold Path, this is the basic philosophy of theological materialism in the Theoevolutionary Church We evolve through material and supermaterial evolution to the God first seen in the  inward vision of God in the Soul.

At the Zenith of the Soul is the Spirit-Will which is not satisfied with the mere enveloping vision of God.  The Spirit-Will seeks to activate life and evolution all the way to the Supreme Object Godhood in cosmic evolution.

It is time to unblock the Great Spiritual Blockade of the Inward Path while yet including this first vision of God in the Twofold Path.  This is the religion of the future and the past.

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