Saturday, September 03, 2011

The steering wheel of economics

Individual greed is usually the steering wheel of free-market capitalism, not innocent “self-interest.” Greed too often is selfish and ignores or even rejects community concerns.

Economic conservatism puts the community before selfish greed, while still allowing the free enterprise system, which has created economic miracles. Economic libertarianism  usually goes with free individual greed alone, which often ends up ignoring community concerns.

Concern for the community logically leads to local economic concerns and economic nationalism, whereas individual greed alone leads to global capitalism, which in reality respects no borders or communities.  We need fair trade with the world rather than free trade.

The wheel of economics has to be steered by community concerns and not by individual greed, without losing the free enterprise system.

It is the evolution of life to Godhood which is the ultimate engine of life, and not the social tool alone of economics. A variety of small, stable states and national economic order are required before evolution can successfully take place over time.

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