Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Being Does Not Sit There Timeless

Being “sends itself” to life in the form of the material Spirit-Will, which activates all life to evolve to Godhood. Being does not sit there timeless, unconnected to the world while occasionally reaching out to effect the world. Being is a Supreme Supermaterial Object or Objects.

It is the material Spirit-Will which engineers or activates the world from within, while being shaped from without by evolution. Eternity may be in the inner core of the Spirit-Will.

Truth or Absolute Truth defines Being/Godhood but truth is not an object itself. Absolute Truth exists in the Mind of Godhood only. Absolute Truth also does not sit there, timeless, unconnected to Supreme Supermaterial Objects. Truth is always defining an object and not a living abstraction only.

Being is not defined merely as an “act” of Being, Being acts, acting does not sit there alone timeless.

The Spirit-Will is not Being/Godhood, it animates all beings and Being Itself, but is not Being. The Spirit-Will, the Soul, the Mind, the Body are all parts of the object that is living beings as well as parts  Supermaterial Being/Godhood, and these are not defined as Being individually.

Reason and science have problems measuring theses things. Reason and science tend to reject what they cannot measure. I think that these macro/micro conceptions of Being/Godhood and the cosmos will one day be measured, perhaps with a new technique of measurement. Meanwhile it is possible to overcome measure-bound things in a moment or two of intellectual intuition, when reason perhaps joins with intuition to arrive at something greater than the sum of its parts.

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