Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Protecting the natural preferences of human nature

There is much fear and bias involved in speaking of human evolution and genetics, it is thought very dangerous, especially after the supremacist and imperialistic eugenics of WWII. The natural human preference for beauty, intelligence, health and power needs to be acknowledged, among other aspects of real human nature (see sociobiology). This defines a natural sort of genetics.

The Ordered Evolution described in the Theoevolutionary Church is about allowing this evolutionary preference for beauty, intelligence, health and power.   More can be accomplished in upward evolution by allowing and protecting the natural preferences of human nature than by trying to impose them.  

It is when cultures have been against these natural preferences, against human nature, and violently imposing unnatural Marxian equality or supremacist imperialism, that millions of people have been killed.  Ordered Evolution can include Republican forms of government, and a variety of many small states, protected by a light federalism, voluntarily guided by the Church.

It is the Spirit-Will which animates life to evolve toward these natural preferences, with the sacred goal of evolving to the Zenith of these preferences, which is the Absolute Beauty, Intelligence, Health and Power of Godhood. 

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