Friday, September 02, 2011

The Exoteric Synthesis of Esoteric Rivalries

There has been a battle in the West between exoteric and esoteric religions, with the Orthodox on one side and the Neo-Platonic-Gnostic-Hermetic-Kabbalistic-Rosicrucian-Masonic on the other side.

But these movements in reality have the same basic goal, the same spiritual end, which is opposed to the material world, even though they apply different methods to manipulate the material world in the process of seeking the spiritual world within. And the Eastern religions can also be classified in the same Inward Tradition.

One side does not represent the spirit and the other matter, as we are often led to believe, both sides affirm the God-Within, the spirit against matter. What they really are is rivals seeking the same Inward goal. This can be seen as the left and right hand path to the same spiritual goal. These rivalries reveal the natural, material and evolutionary nature of religion and philosophy, which have claimed to be beyond such things.

The Theoevolutionary Church (TC) stands away from these Inward Path rivalries.TC retains the same Inward Path but adds the Outward Path, which finally unblocks the Great Spiritual Blockade against evovling to Godhood. This is the Twofold Path.

EC champions the unsecretive, and open perfection of the elements, of man evolving to Godhood, affirming the regeneration of the evolving material-supermaterial world, all the way to Godhood. In EC this is done without rejecting either the Orthodox or the Neo-Platonic Inward Paths to the God Within.

The Twofold Path is a synthesis of the spiritual and material, religion and science. The longtime rivals, the Orthodox and Neo-Platonic, are included in the same Inward Path. Naturalism and the evolution of the material to the supermaterial to Godhood are included in the Outward Path.

Retaining positive evolutionary changes will often require periods of separation, variety and conservatism, affirmed in small independent states protected with light federalism. But let the talented, healthy, intelligent, beautiful and good rise to the Absolute of these virtues (which is Godhood) no matter what gender, class or race. Conservatism must also understand that we are progressively evolving beyond the various races of the human species, all the way to Godhood.

We do not believe in holding back sacred evolution. None of you shall see Godhood before evolving. We must find a way out of the Abulia of the religious rivalries, and the loss of the activating Spirit-Will, which plunges the earth into darkness.

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