Monday, September 05, 2011

The Exoteric/Esoteric Religious Nexus

It seems likely that Indo-Europeans, or Proto-Indo-Europeans were the founders of Pharaonic Egypt. It is said that the root of rabbinic Judaism is Pharaonic Egypt and Babylon. Freemasonry is grounded in Kabbalic Judaism. The School of Traditionalism is based in Indo-European or Hyperborean pre-history. Christianity and Islam have roots in rabbinic Judaism and Zoroastrianism. 

The Revealed Religions all share the Involutionary Inward Path to the God-Within, or the Father-Within, by way of blocking the material desires. They are often bitter rivals, yet they share this basis for ecumenism, usually without knowing it. This means that these religions are at least religious cousins. 

The Theoevolutionary Church (TC) shares the God-Within with these Inward Path religions, but Evolutionary Christianity also affirms the Evolutionary Outward Path, which is the Path of evolution to Godhood in the Kosmos. This defines the Twofold Path of the Theoevolutionary Church, which stands alone in affirming material-supermaterial evolution as the true vehicle to Godhood.

The Evolutionary Outward Path is the real way to “repair the world” (Tikkun Olam). This is also the way to understand both fate and free-will. We are given by Godhood the raw material of life, and we are given the activation of the Spirit-Will, which are deterministic, but then our mission is to advance life in sacred evolution to Godhood, and to increasingly deny macro devolution.

The exoteric/esoteric separation is illegitimately developed when one group alone seeks power over the others. The Theoevolutionary Church is conducted openly, there is no need for secrecy when evolution is affirmed for all people, all races.  Different people, different races, usually do advance separately, in small states, but we insist in the equal right and agreement of all to advance and evolve to Godhood, which is seen as the sacred ground of all life.   

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