Monday, July 18, 2011

The three imaginations

Of the three imaginations defined by Russell Kirk, who was often referring to Edmund Burke, that is, the moral imagination, idyllic imagination and diabolic imagination, only the moral imagination is affirmed by Kirk and the paleoconservatives. But we can affirm all three.

We have not lost the transcendent end goal, which would define decadence. But our end goal is the Zenith of Evolution, where true Godhood is attained in material-supermaterial evolution. This is where we apply our “moral imagination.” Whereas the transcendent moral goal of traditionalism, at least esoterically, where it really matters, is the Father Within, the Soul, reached through the Involutionary Inward Path, by ridding the body of all material desires.

But our “idyllic imagination” relates to the Zenith of Material-Supermaterial Evolution, which must not be mistaken for mere humanism or idealism, it is a transcendent moral order that brings us to Godhood in evolution.

Our “diabolic imagination” relates to civilizing the beast of materialism into the great goal of Godhood. The material-supermaterial world has been defined as an evil beast by the Inward Path when it is in fact the Evolutionary Outward Path to Godhood.

Having the use of all three imaginations gives us an expanded imagination. Both the Inward and Outward Path are affirmed in the Twofold Path of the Theoevolutionary Church.

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