Saturday, July 09, 2011

Involution and Outvolution

Ends or goals in teleology can be seen as natural principles and as a central explanation for life in the Kosmos. Life and the Kosmos are purposive. The Zenith of Evolution relates to everything in the Kosmos.

Ethics has a teleological ethos in Evolutionary Christianity (EC). Right and wrong relate to evolution and devolution. The vitalistic activation of biology by the Spirit-Will is teleological. Evolution and natural selection shape life from without, and the Spirit-Will activates life from within.

But as science developed it rejected teleological explanations. Science will not agree to a teleological or vitalistic element in evolution, it rejects the activation of life finding its way through evolution from the simple to the complex all the way to Godhood.

Even tough it may sound awkward at first, I think I will introduce the word “Outvolution” to include teleology and vitalism which the word “evolution” rejects. The word Outvolution also balances better with Involution. The outward going Evolutionary Outward Path, and the inward going Involutionary Inward Path are then affirmed in the Twofold Path in EC.

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