Tuesday, July 12, 2011

On The Twofold Path

It's not the will of God it is the Will to God that is the more accurate phrase. We evolve to Godhood, the Will is the Spirit-Will within, which activates life to evolve to Godhood, working along with natural selection. Let's not mistake the Spirit-Will for Godhood.

The evolution to Godhood is the concern of the Evolutionary Outward Path. Jesus Christ, and traditional religions, were concerned with the Involutionary Inward Path to the Father Within, the Soul State, which is nevertheless not Godhood, it gives the desire-free virtual bliss of Godhood as a reminder of the great goal of desire-fulfilled Godhood.

The importance of the Inward Path has to be measured with the future Godhood of the Outward Path. One must not get in the way of the other. The “innovations” of the Outward Path don't change the importance of the conservative, permanent, inward things.  But then nothing is more permanent than the Spirit-Will which activates life to Godhood, and this too must be conserved as a permanent thing.

Religion has been too separate from the earth, too separate from material things, and this has had much to do with the slow decline of religion, perhaps with the exception of fundamentalists who nevertheless seem closed to the Outward Path. Rather than strict humanitarianism, which denies the divine and declares humans as all there is, Evolutionary Christianity affirms the divine goal of Godhood in evolution. The Twofold Path addresses this concern, it can save religion by including the real world, and teleological evolution.  But most importantly, it can open up the spiritual blockade against evolving to Godhood.

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