Monday, July 25, 2011

The religion of the future

The Zohar says “everything lies veiled in numbers” but the opposite seems true, numbers are substitutes for Objects. The great obsession with numbers has given numbers a plastic life of their own.

True Being, Godhood, or the Supreme Object has been forgotten, or never known, replaced by numbers or symbolic ideas, imposed upon culture, making culture more of a machine than a living thing.

Evolutionary alchemy, and not numbers alchemy, is the evolution to Godhood, or civilizing the so-called beast of materialism into Supermaterial Godhood, the base into gold, by way of Ordered Evolution.

This is the central activation of all life from within, which is then shaped from outside by evolution.  All living things, all people, all races, and not just a noble Aryan, chosen Jew or enlightened Buddhist, can take part in the evolution to Godhood. 

A Just world can find a way, a political configuration to affirm this sacred evolution to Godhood.  We suggest a nation, or world, of small states, virtual ethnostates, with their independence protected by a light federalism, and guided in evolution, voluntarily, by the Church. 

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