Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Sense and Supersense

Idealism? Phenomenology? I would put it this way: there are things that exist beyond the normal subjective experience, not merely in the normal sense but in the supersense of them. I don't define these things as beyond material reality but as supermateriality. This means that things exist beyond our normal subjective experience which are still part of sense experience. This seems like a kind of phenomenology, but not about a phenomena beyond the senses, as phenomenology can affirm, I don't affirm a non-material reality, I affirm a supermateriality.

Knowledge can come from studying the world but also from tapping into the Spirit-Will within, which means tapping into what is probably a supermaterial realty with the supersenses. The Spirit-Will exists at the Zenith of the Soul, and the Soul exists at the Zenith of the Mind, and all are materiel. The mind can see these things in an intellectual intuitive sense, at least at this stage in our evolution. These things can remain in the realm of both religion and science when science and religion are projected into the future, when the gap between science and religion in metaphysics can be closed or united. This is theological materialism.

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