Saturday, July 16, 2011

Is complexity better than simplicity in evolution?

Is complexity better than simplicity in evolution, as Teilhard De Chardin suggests? The question should be is higher evolution better than lower evolution? Higher evolution can be complex or simple. Higher evolution is defined as higher intelligence, consciousness, beauty, goodness and power, among other things.  Often these things are more complex than simple, but simplicity sometimes refines and civilizes complexity, which can become slow, difficult, even decayed.

Aristotle thought “motion” was caused by incomplete entities striving for completion, moving from diversity to simplicity and arriving at a completely simple, motionless state. An interesting precursor dynamic to Evolutionary Christianity, but the the motionless goal seems to have been more of an idea than a living object.  Godhood as a goal is not the end of motion, the Great Union of Godhood results in the Great Motion of the Transformation of Godhood into a new Kosmic Godhood whose beings then strive back to Godhood, activated from within by the Spirit-Will and shaped from without by evolution.

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