Sunday, March 20, 2011

Rotten Third War

Targeting little Libya has almost nothing to do with Libya. A broader war is wanted in the Middle East, by Western Globalism, as well as by Israel, especially war with Iran. The clandestine and open drive for global government continues, as China watches, hoping the West will implode from decadence, and helping the destruction where it can.

Economics rules politics. The feminization of the West continues, the role of the Father is all but lost, male and female roles have become indistinguishable. Meanwhile Islam has gone in the opposite direction exaggerating the male role.

We need to pull back from empire, back to economic nationalism, back to the original Republican form of government, with power returned to the individual states. Outsourcing needs to decline, manufacturing needs to return, we can have fair trade, not free trade, with the world.  This national movement is already in the wind, but the nefarious forces of global government will try strangle it in its cradle.

All empires fall. Some nations rise again, some do not. The nations that rise will be grounded in either old or new religions. This time we need a religion which affirms both tradition and cosmic evolution. Let all people, all races live in order, while we are evolving to Godhood, but we can only do so in thousands of independent states, or ethnostates, guarded by Federalism.

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