Saturday, March 05, 2011

The Coming Economic Confrontation Few Speak Of

The usual response of the global free traders to the loss of American middle class jobs, due to moving their factories out of the country, is that Americans like to buy the cheaper products made with cheaper labor. But without jobs consumers will eventually have no money for buying cheaper products. By that time, the globalists will have pocketed their billions and moved on to their next nefarious scheme, perhaps milking some other country.

In any case, I don't think the globalist's really mind much having a wealthy elite ruling over one, vast, poor, working class. And the liberals also don't mind having a large elite government ruling over one vast working class, although our liberal president did at least mention that we should bring jobs back to this country. But then the liberals will tax those businesses out of existence and we will be back where we started.

If Pat Buchanan was 40 year old now we might be looking at our future president. Few have his courage to speak out about these things. Other younger leaders will need to rise and advocate economic nationalism, which is the system that makes all nations rise, including China today. I would also like to see far more independent power returned to the states, as the original Constitution intended.

There is a powerful, ruling, establishment in business, politics and the media---from both political parties---who promote this sort of destructive globalism, and it will be a very difficult thing to dislodge.

Few people speak of this coming economic confrontation---I hope not a war.   It will be a battle not only for the middle class, but for the life of this country.

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