Monday, March 21, 2011

The object is more important than the memory of the object

The “tree,” seen in what I define as “memory,” is the most important party of phenomenology, says Husserl (On Husserl, V. V. Mayol). I think the tree itself, the object tree, is far more important than the tree in memory. The tree in memory is not the “essence” of the tree, as it seems to be in phenomenology, the essence of the tree is the Spirit-Will within the tree itself, which seeks life for the tree. Phenomenology does not seem to deal with the reality of the tree but only with the “experience” of the reality of the tree. But the “existence” of the tree (body) is not separate from the essence (Spirit-Will) of the tree. This general structure of essence and existence applies from the smallest cell all the way to Godhood. All is material in this.

The mind within the body sees the tree (second given) from the perceptions of the senses (first given), the ego-Soul at the zenith of the mind reflects on the tree (fourth given), and the Spirit-Will at the zenith of the Soul is always activating body, mind and Soul (third given).

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