Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Reality never transcends the world

Religion has been denaturalized and dehumanized. Reality never transcends the world. Yes, there is a world beyond this world, but it is connected through "evolution"—a word Tradition has not liked. It is a supermaterial world connected to the material world through evolution, it is not beyond the world.

Godhood is not human? Yes. But non-material? No. Supermaterial? Yes. Guenon and others spoke of a “progressive materialization” from “pure spirituality,” but the reality is a progressive evolution, from the material to the supermaterial.

Knowledge, the zenith of the gnostics, is a less than perfect mirror of the real object, not the other way around, knowledge is secondary to the object.

Nothing stands above nature, but some nature is higher evolved than other nature.

There are truths that exist beyond the human mind, not in the netherworld of non-materiality, but in supermind's of superspecies leading up to Godhood. Always the object and the supreme object are supreme over definitions of the object.

We do not rise above matter by abandoning matter, we rise above matter through the evolution of matter.

This is the way of the reality in the Evolutionary Outward Path. The Involutionary Inward Path is the way of Tradition, which leads to the Soul Within, but not to Godhood. Both Paths are included in the Twofold Path of Evolutionary Christianity.

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