Friday, March 25, 2011

Can we climb out of the epistemological maze?

Can we climb out of the epistemological maze of modern religio-philosophy without creating another maze? I would like to stand on a hill overlooking the maze, which seems to deal too much with the experience of reality rather than reality.

What we see with our eyes and brain is real, but we see more, or less, or we see different things, depending on the physical apparatus we have for seeing and knowing, which life has evolved over millions of years. I project from here that we can evolve in the future to where we see and know more and more of reality. Evolutionary Christianity (EC) believes that we can evolve all the way to Godhood where we will see all of reality and absolute truth.

I identify “four givens” of how we see and know the world. All of the givens are material or supermaterial, with no extra-materiality. Everything in the world is material or supermaterial. Our “idealistic materialism,” or theological materialism, if it can be called that, comes from our projected future evolution to Godhood, from the material to the supermaterial.

The first given is what comes in from the senses, the second is our memory of what comes in from the senses (mind), the third is the supermaterial Spirit-Will activating the material world, fourth is the synthesis of these givens (Soul-Mind). It is the Soul not the ego which is the center of the mind's integration. The Soul-Mind, with great effort, can even rid the mind and body of all desire, as in Traditional religion, which we think is only one of the Twofold Path.

The zenith of the body is the mind, the zenith of the mind is the Soul, the zenith of the Soul is the Spirit-Will, and the goal of the Spirit-Will is to activate the material body from within, as evolution shapes life from without, all the way to supermaterial Godhood.

Of the four givens the Spirit-Will is not recognized by modern science, at this point it is seen with intellectual intuition, but because we believe it is a supermaterial substance, and not merely a metaphysical definition, we think science will one day affirm the Spirit-Will.

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