Thursday, March 31, 2011

Contra Husserl and Heidegger

Taking the leap, rejecting those who deny an objective Being-In-Itself

I am about to take the leap and reject Husserl's and Heidegger's conception (and phenomenology) which seems to deny the whole idea of objective being-in-itself (“Heidegger and Aquinas,” by Caputo) and so rejects realism. These seem to be attempts to define Being only through the subject which understands Being.

No wonder that solipsism rears it's selfish head in philosophy, which seems to me to be a false entrapment of the ego in itself. I find the world real, the Spirit-Will real, and Godhood real, as actual existing objects. Being and being-to-Be have material and supermaterial substance as objects.

I am also about to reject Heidegger's definition of Being as time. Profound as this philosopher was, this seems to be a rejection of the actual object in favor of a definition of certain moving aspects of the behavior of objects. Time the definition is not Being the object.

Likewise Plato's Forms are not Being, forms secondarily define Being. In the old paradox, does unity define being or is unity beyond being? I say the form or the thought of unity is only that, a thought in the mind-brain of being or Being, and unity is not a real object. Unity is only part of being as the mind-brain is only part of the body. Total unity, or Absolute Unity would happen with Godhood attained at the zenith of material evolution (with supermaterialism). That is, Godhood's mind knows, but only knows within the united Body of Godhood.

Now if philosophy wants to try to define this real world just described in epistemological detail it is welcome to do so. But I think Being has to be rescued from such things as Heidegger's definition of Being as the history only of Being. Being and being are more than any kind of definition of Being.

Is this “faith” I am applying in defining reality, the leap of faith?  Evolutionary Christianity is a religion after all, a religion with a kind of  idealistic materialism (theological materialism). But an idealism grounded in the projected goal of an evolving object with immanent and transcendent real substance.

I am beholden to no academy or Church for this “heresy” which allows me more freedom than most---some would say perhaps too much freedom. Is my perspective really “poetry” or does it move outside of philosophy? Like a pre-philosopher I see no difference between existence and Being and I see no separation between essence an existence. Essence is the Spirit-Will within the existing real object being, and never outside of it.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

No dichotomy between the material and the spiritual

There is no dichotomy between the material and the spiritual because all is material and supermaterial. What has been called spiritual is really supermaterial. We are not trying to synthesize a separate material into the spiritual, as some religions say, we are trying to evolve from the material to the supermaterial.  We cannot reach Godhood without material evolution and involvement with the material. This is why we are here, this is our role in the world.

More on idealistic materialism

I am suspicious of things that seem independent of experience, like “pure logic.” Pure logic has its place but not as a religion or a God.

The bridge between consciousness and the external world is not closed, as philosophers have often said it was. The external world exits even in the supermaterial Spirit-Will, so idealism is not “pure” here or trapped in the solipsism of the “ego.”

I don't as yet see a place for the so-called “ego” since I think the Soul-Mind works better in its place. I see the Soul, not the ego, as the zenith of the mind, the mediator of the mind and body.

The Soul, like the ego, is not saying “I” think therefore “I” am,” as the solipsistic ego supposedly says; a better term is “I am therefore I think,” or even better, “ I am here therefore to evolve to Godhood.”

The Spirit-Will is both immanent as a supermaterial substance and object, and transcendent in the sense of an “ideal” future goal. But this is more like idealistic materialism, or theological materialism, because we can see the goal through an immanent intellectual intuition. The Spirit-Will is a phenomenal substance, supermaterial, so we never really depart from the material object.

As the Soul-Mind takes over the spot of the ego, the Spirit-Will takes over much of the standard definition of the Soul. It is the Spirit-Will that has its ancestry back to the beginning of the present world and worlds before that, from which it descended. The Spirit-Will is the central “instinct” which the Soul has to take into account when it mediates and integrates the world like the old ego..

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Religion Completes Science

Evolutionary Christianity does not have the traditional, religious, Platonic view that reality and all value exist in a transcendent realm beyond the material world. This view makes it easier for the secular view to reject the religious view as unreal.

The direction of the Kosmos is an “ought” as well as a “can,” as Kant said, ought needs to imply can. Even if we cannot reach Godhood our descendents can. Religion should not move outside the natural laws of the Kosmos.

Both religion and natural science are the basis of ethics, there need be no valid difference between their ethics. Godhood is possible in natural evolution, and Godhood is a basis for religious ethics. Religion completes science.

The Kosmos is not the product of blind evolutionary striving, evolution has a divine goal. The universe is not an unthinking colossus which man is just beginning to figure out, this view makes man seem superior to the universe. Our religious view sees man finding that the path of the universe is not blind but divine.

Monday, March 28, 2011

On Being

Small “b” being cannot fully know capital “B” Being until being evolves to Being. But being can partially know Being with more and more accuracy as being evolves higher in consciousness and intelligence.

Being (Supreme-subject-Spirit-Will-essence) and being are always united with Body-object-existence, they are never separate at any level of being all the way to Godhood-Being.  being is always the subject and object combined all the way to Being.

Being can be conceptualized at various levels of truth, as we can know some of ourselves, until we evolve all the way to Godhood, which will then conceptualize and possess Absolute Truth of Itself.

Being has often been separated from all other things because religio-philosophy has not often approved of materialism and has preferred its Being to be nonmaterial.

Being therefore is not merely the definition or denotation of Being.  And "essence" is not merely the definition of Being.  And "existence" is not merely the definition of Being. Existence (object-body) is always together and one with essence (Spirit-Will).

Being is substance, as Aristotle said, but Being is super-substance. And Being is the act of existing, as Aquinas said, but Being (as being or Being) is never separate from its Existence and Essence. Being and being are always combined essence-existence and Spirit-Body at different levels of evolution.

This is possible in that all is materialism or supermaterialism on an evolutionary continuum from being to Being with no nonmaterialism.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Why I Am A Revitalized Conservative

Order comes first, evolution comes second. Without order, changes are usually anarchic or chaotic, and the changes don't last. But without change, order stagnates.

Religiously I consider myself a traditional Catholic first, in affirming the Involutionary Inward Path, and politically I consider myself a paleoconservative, not a revolutionary. And second, I consider myself Evolutionary, in affirming the Evolutionary Outward Path, with the goal of evolving to Godhood. This is the Twofold Path of Evolutionary Christianity.

We can't have one without the other.  Without order we have chaos, without change we stagnate. I believe that Godhood cannot be attained without evolving to Godhood, and my mission is to proclaim this. But without order we can't retain beneficial evolutionary mutations, or keep away detrimental devolutionary mutations.

The middle-class stands for order and not change, which is why they can be so hard on creative people. But order comes first, which is why I support the middle class.

I myself tend to be an evolutionary thinker, and I do pay for this by being more or less an outsider from both the church and from conservatism. Even so, I feel that I can take the heat because I know change and evolution have to come without destroying the order.  Ordered Evolution is the concept I work with.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Can we climb out of the epistemological maze?

Can we climb out of the epistemological maze of modern religio-philosophy without creating another maze? I would like to stand on a hill overlooking the maze, which seems to deal too much with the experience of reality rather than reality.

What we see with our eyes and brain is real, but we see more, or less, or we see different things, depending on the physical apparatus we have for seeing and knowing, which life has evolved over millions of years. I project from here that we can evolve in the future to where we see and know more and more of reality. Evolutionary Christianity (EC) believes that we can evolve all the way to Godhood where we will see all of reality and absolute truth.

I identify “four givens” of how we see and know the world. All of the givens are material or supermaterial, with no extra-materiality. Everything in the world is material or supermaterial. Our “idealistic materialism,” or theological materialism, if it can be called that, comes from our projected future evolution to Godhood, from the material to the supermaterial.

The first given is what comes in from the senses, the second is our memory of what comes in from the senses (mind), the third is the supermaterial Spirit-Will activating the material world, fourth is the synthesis of these givens (Soul-Mind). It is the Soul not the ego which is the center of the mind's integration. The Soul-Mind, with great effort, can even rid the mind and body of all desire, as in Traditional religion, which we think is only one of the Twofold Path.

The zenith of the body is the mind, the zenith of the mind is the Soul, the zenith of the Soul is the Spirit-Will, and the goal of the Spirit-Will is to activate the material body from within, as evolution shapes life from without, all the way to supermaterial Godhood.

Of the four givens the Spirit-Will is not recognized by modern science, at this point it is seen with intellectual intuition, but because we believe it is a supermaterial substance, and not merely a metaphysical definition, we think science will one day affirm the Spirit-Will.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Attaining the divine goal of desire

“From craving (tanha) springs sorrow and from craving springs fear. If a man is to free himself from craving, he is free from fear and sorrow.” -Dhammapada 216

The quote above is a prime example of traditional involutionary morality. To stop craving kill craving.

The Evolutionary Christian Church opens this blockade of material life. The craving for life is the craving to evolve to Godhood. If we kill the craving we kill our chance to attain Godhood.

We can reach the Soul with the traditional internal morality of the Inward Path, where all desire has been blocked, but we can reach the Spirit-Will which activates us to Godhood through the Outward Path, where the divine goal of desire is attained. Both Paths are included in the Twofold Path.

Morality and Cyclic Evolution

Even Godhood is subject to the activation of the Spirit-Will, which transforms Godhood into Kosmos Godhood. But this does not mean that the Spirit-Will is more important than Godhood since it is Godhood that the Spirit-Will seeks in Kosmic evolution. The Divine Spirit-Will can thus exist when Godhood has not yet been attained. To adapt Kant, “ought” implies “can” in that we are able to reach the moral perfection of Godhood through evolution, if not in this life than in the next with our evolved distant descendents.

This is an endless cycle of unseparated essence-Spirit-Will and existence-Body evolving to Godhood, sometimes falling back in entropy, then beginning again, and finally attaining Godhood, after which a new Kosmic Godhood  is attained. This is how we can define an internal Divine Spirit-Will which even Godhood is subject to, yet is not beneath. Morality and ethics stem from this order, this Divine Spirit-Will, this Godhood, and evil stems from going against this evolving order.

This more or less combines the divine command and the autonomy theories of theology. Godhood commands the next world, but the Spirit-Will activates that world, and life must find the way to harmonize with the activation of the Spirit-Will within, and with the outside shaping of evolution.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

How much of the actual object can we see?

For me the subjective/objective-ideal/real arguments come down to how much of the actual object we can subjectively see. The higher evolved we are, that is, with higher consciousness and higher intelligence, the more we can see of the actual object. We see differently from a dog or honeybee but we also see more of the actual objective object. Heidegger and Husserl seem to deny the whole idea of seeing an objective being-in-itself, and so they deny realism. (“Heidegger and Aquinas,” Caputo)

Seeing more of an actual objective object has apparently enhanced our success in survival and reproduction. Evolving to much higher consciousness and higher intelligence will allow us to see more and more of what is real and actual, and eventually, evolving to the highest consciousness, or Godhood, will allow us to see all of reality and truth, which is the goal of our evolution, activated by the Spirit-Will within life. I do not think it is enough to center on advancing machines rather than genes, as the Singulitarians do in their political correctness, which avoids biological evolution.

I can at least agree with Aquinas in defining Being as the very act of existing, Being as Being, rather than merely defining Being as Being. But I do not think that only in God are essence and existence identical, as Aquinas seems to have thought. Essence and existence are never separate in any life form, the difference is that in Godhood essence and existence have evolved---together never separate---to their highest form. Essence (Spirit-Will) activates existence (material/supermaterial body) all the way from the simple to the Supreme-Being-Actual-Object/or/Objects-Godhood.

Monday, March 21, 2011

The object is more important than the memory of the object

The “tree,” seen in what I define as “memory,” is the most important party of phenomenology, says Husserl (On Husserl, V. V. Mayol). I think the tree itself, the object tree, is far more important than the tree in memory. The tree in memory is not the “essence” of the tree, as it seems to be in phenomenology, the essence of the tree is the Spirit-Will within the tree itself, which seeks life for the tree. Phenomenology does not seem to deal with the reality of the tree but only with the “experience” of the reality of the tree. But the “existence” of the tree (body) is not separate from the essence (Spirit-Will) of the tree. This general structure of essence and existence applies from the smallest cell all the way to Godhood. All is material in this.

The mind within the body sees the tree (second given) from the perceptions of the senses (first given), the ego-Soul at the zenith of the mind reflects on the tree (fourth given), and the Spirit-Will at the zenith of the Soul is always activating body, mind and Soul (third given).

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Rotten Third War

Targeting little Libya has almost nothing to do with Libya. A broader war is wanted in the Middle East, by Western Globalism, as well as by Israel, especially war with Iran. The clandestine and open drive for global government continues, as China watches, hoping the West will implode from decadence, and helping the destruction where it can.

Economics rules politics. The feminization of the West continues, the role of the Father is all but lost, male and female roles have become indistinguishable. Meanwhile Islam has gone in the opposite direction exaggerating the male role.

We need to pull back from empire, back to economic nationalism, back to the original Republican form of government, with power returned to the individual states. Outsourcing needs to decline, manufacturing needs to return, we can have fair trade, not free trade, with the world.  This national movement is already in the wind, but the nefarious forces of global government will try strangle it in its cradle.

All empires fall. Some nations rise again, some do not. The nations that rise will be grounded in either old or new religions. This time we need a religion which affirms both tradition and cosmic evolution. Let all people, all races live in order, while we are evolving to Godhood, but we can only do so in thousands of independent states, or ethnostates, guarded by Federalism.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Deep Optimism Of Evolutionary Christianity

Matter is not evil and matter is not blind to good and evil. Matter is activated by the Spirit-Within, or the Will to Godhood, and then evolution shapes matter from without. Matter does not always evolve, sometimes it devolves, sometimes life dies, but all life is defined by its activation to evolve to Godhood.

This might seem to show that evolution from without is blind to good (evolution) and evil (devolution) yet even here natural selection chooses what is successful in survival and reproduction. The supermateral Spirit and material evolution both move toward Godhood. Man can help or enhance the natural direction of matter to evolve to higher and higher forms, the material world on its own can devolve, stay the same, die out, or destroy itself in entropy, even when the general direction of life is evolving toward higher and higher consciousness.

This defines the deep optimism of Theovolutionary based on faith, hope, evolutionary hypothesis, and reason. After-all, life evolved from the simple to the complex and toward more and more intelligence before we existed to even think about helping it along its way to its sacred goal of Godhood.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Universal subjective truths

Universal subjective truths would be those truths that people know individually yet are much the same as other peoples subjective truths, eg. the world is real, or the belief in God. Universal objective truths would be a general agreement on truth using the same rules of reason or logic in defining what is true.

Is one better than the other? Intuition seems to come before the mind or logic fully grasps it, as the Will To Godhood, or the Spirit, comes before the mind and activates the body. In the same way subjective knowledge seems to come before objective knowledge, which only later affirms or denies the subjective intuitions.

I see no reason why we can't use both kinds of knowledge, but universal subjective truths do seem to naturally come first. Faith need not destroy reason or reason destroy faith. But the Will To Godhood has veto power over all truths in the balanced system.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Time Is Not Being

Time follows Being, time defines the existence of Being, time is not Being, as Heidegger seems to suggest in “Being and Time,” (“Heidegger and Aquinas” Caputo). Time is not an object, but Being is a highly evolved object.

Thinking of time as Being is like thinking of God as beyond the object, beyond materialism, even beyond supermaterialism. This is making an idol of denotation and definition.

“Being” doesn't mean unchanging “permanence,” Godhood Itself transforms into a new Godhood, the old cosmos continues to be activated by the evolutionary Will To Godhood, or Spirit, until it has reached its final goal of Godhood.

Being does not “stand outside” of existence, even speech and thought are part of Being, as the mind is part of the body.

If Heidegger is right that Scholasticism thought of Being in terms of “producing” and “actuality” then I can agree with Scholasticism in the view of Being just described, which is not exactly the same.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Reality never transcends the world

Religion has been denaturalized and dehumanized. Reality never transcends the world. Yes, there is a world beyond this world, but it is connected through "evolution"—a word Tradition has not liked. It is a supermaterial world connected to the material world through evolution, it is not beyond the world.

Godhood is not human? Yes. But non-material? No. Supermaterial? Yes. Guenon and others spoke of a “progressive materialization” from “pure spirituality,” but the reality is a progressive evolution, from the material to the supermaterial.

Knowledge, the zenith of the gnostics, is a less than perfect mirror of the real object, not the other way around, knowledge is secondary to the object.

Nothing stands above nature, but some nature is higher evolved than other nature.

There are truths that exist beyond the human mind, not in the netherworld of non-materiality, but in supermind's of superspecies leading up to Godhood. Always the object and the supreme object are supreme over definitions of the object.

We do not rise above matter by abandoning matter, we rise above matter through the evolution of matter.

This is the way of the reality in the Evolutionary Outward Path. The Involutionary Inward Path is the way of Tradition, which leads to the Soul Within, but not to Godhood. Both Paths are included in the Twofold Path of Evolutionary Christianity.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Demography Is Destiny, Buchanan

"...Writing on the decline in Japanese students in U.S. universities, The Washington Post reports: “The number of children [in Japan] under the age of 15 has fallen for 28 consecutive years. The size of the nation’s high school graduating class has shrunk by 35 percent in the past two decades.”[ Once drawn to U.S. universities, more Japanese students staying home, By Blaine Harden, April 11, 2010]

Where have all the children gone?

Yet what is happening to Japan is not unique to Japan.  Russia’s population is shrinking at two to three times the pace of Japan’s. She is losing half a million people a year. Germany and Ukraine are running Japan a close race. Only immigration from Africa, South Asia and the Middle East enables Britain to project population growth. Native-born Brits are departing and dying.

Indeed, every one of the East Asian and European nations that scored highest on the international tests for math and science has a fertility rate that assures an aging and shrinking population.

Where is world population growth to come from?

Between now and 2050, Africa’s population will double to 2 billion. Latin America and Asia will add over a billion people.

Just six nations, Muslim and poor—Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Nigeria, Pakistan and Turkey—are expected to add almost 500 million people to their combined populations by 2050.

If demography is destiny, the sun is not only setting in the Land of the Rising Sun. The sun is setting in the West.” (Full essay by Buchanan here)

Seeing is believing: the four givens

One believes in evolving to Godhood partly through intellectual intuition, seeing the goal of the Spirit Within, or the Will To Godhood. This seems also to be a perception, a superphysical or supermaterial perception. This means one may not be believing because one decides in fantasy to believe without having sense-intuition, one believes almost as sensing the outside world.

The four givens: what I see with my senses; what I see with my memory of past senses; what I see influenced by the indwelling Will to Godhood through intuition; what I see as the synthesis of these things.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Ex-sistentia and cosmic-regional ontology

If the term “ex-sistentia” means literally “to stand outside” (Heidegger according to Caputo) then we need a better word for existence, because I don't think that existence stands outside of essence, existence is unseparated from essence.

Essence activates existence, the Spirit or Will (essence) activates the Body (existence). For me the terms material and supermaterial work better than existence (material) and essence (supermaterial).

This shows how language is permeated with ancient philosophy.

To the Scholastics, God or Being was present in everything, but it is the Spirit or Will To Godhood (essence) that is present in everything (existence), and this is not Godhood.

Godhood is the final destination of the Spirit-Will and the final goal of evolution. Godhood does not stand outside Its causes, Godhood is the goal of the cause.  The same Spirit that exists in humans, and in all life, is the Spirit that activates Godhood to continue evolving.

It is long overdo time to unblock the Great Spiritual Blockade against the material world which has been slowing our evolution to God.

This brings Being forward to the spatio-causal system of modern science, while at the same time this brings Being back to the pre-Socratics, or even further back to pagans who seem to have seen man and God as living objects who “breed” and seek to represent themselves in their descendants.

This is cosmic ontology synthesized with human and historical, regional ontology.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Buchanan On Democracy Or Republic

“....Democracy … arises out of the notion that those who are equal in any respect are equal in all respects,” said Aristotle.
But if the Philosopher disliked the form of government that arose out of the fallacy of human equality, the Founding Fathers detested it.
“A democracy is nothing more than mob rule,” said Thomas Jefferson, “where 51 percent of the people may take away the rights of the other 49.” James Madison agreed, “Democracy is the most vile form of government.” Their Federalist rivals concurred.
“Democracy,” said John Adams, “never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts and murders itself. There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide.”
“You people, sir, is a great beast,” Alexander Hamilton is said to have remarked. If he did not, it was not far from his view.
Said John Winthrop, the Pilgrim father whose vision of a “city on a hill” so inspired Ronald Reagan, “A democracy is … accounted the meanest and worst form of government.”
But did not the fathers create modernity’s first democracy?
No. They created “a republic, if you can keep it,” as Ben Franklin said, when asked in Philadelphia what kind of government they had given us. A constitutional republic, to protect and defend God-given rights that antedated the establishment of that government.
We used to know that. Growing up, we daily pledged allegiance “to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands,” not some democracy. As Walter Williams writes, Julia Ward Howe did not write the “Battle Hymn of the Democracy.”
Today, we are taught to worship what our fathers abhorred to such an extent that politicians and ideologues believe America was put on Earth to advance a worldwide revolution to ensure that all nations are democratic........” (Full column here)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Object Godhood Over Pure Logic

The tree exits as an object whether I perceive the tree or not. This is not the same as saying that “pure logic” exists whether I perceive it or not. The tree is a real object, pure logic is not a real object even if it is created in the real object of the mind.

If we say that pure logic is as real as the real tree we are making an idol of denotation or definition. This can lead to a rejection of the real material world, as it has in some theologies and philosophies, and even in some theoretical sciences.  Here is a quote from Huang Po:  "Learn how to be entirely unreceptive to sensations arising from external forms, thereby purging your bodies of receptivity to externals."

God has been defined like pure logic rather than as a Real Object. But Godhood is not only a Real Object, Godhood is also a supermaterial object evolved from the material world to attain Supreme Objecthood.

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Intuition or faith in God needs fine-tuning

Faith seems to be related to intellectual intuition. But intuition is probably more rational than we realize because intuition does not always see the rational connections of what it is seeing, if there are any. Science and reason often follow intuition.  Intuition often needs fine tuning, it can see something real but not correctly define it or interpret it.

One might define universal subjective truths as truths people know subjectively, individually, which are also the same as other peoples subjective truths, and this is different from universal objective truths which use the same logic or a universal logic to define truth. Both kinds of truth can be used. The two can create a coherence.

For example, evolution is not a rival theory to theism, they can be synthesized, and they are in the Twofold Path of the Evolutionary Christian Church. My intellectual intuition is that the Will To Godhood, or the Spirit Within, is the source of the intuitive knowledge or faith in our evolution to Godhood, but this knowledge has been blocked, and so the traditional intuition or faith in God needs fine tuning. The Evolutionary Outward Path needs to be added to the traditional Involutionary Inward Path, in the Twofold Path.

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

The Cause of the Cause

Active metaphysics

It seems that the Scholastics separated essence from existence, which I think leads to the belief that thought in the mind is separate from the actual thing in the world. And God to them was permanence, therefore God was essence, a thing-in-the-mind sort of God, since existence or life is impermanent, but God, like thought, is eternal. God was made the cause of all things, so essence became the cause, the thought, the word---eternal word became the cause.

I do not think that Being stands outside its causes, being and cause, existence and essence are never separate. Being is never “set free” from it's cause, not even with Godhood.

The Will or Spirit is the activation of life, not the cause. The cause has a cause itself, which explains its existence in the world. The cause or Will To Godhood needs to evolve the vehicle of life it inhabits all the way to Godhood, and this is the cause of the cause.

The cause, or Will To Godhood is not Godhood. The cause is “merely” the unfulfilled desire behind life, unfulfilled that is until it attains its goal of Godhood, which it reaches by activating the vehicle of material and supermaterial life to evolve to Godhood. This is why the cause cannot be Godhood.

The same cause, the same Will, the same Spirit we have activating us, activates all life toward Godhood, although not all make it at the same time, and none are separate from the cause or Will that activates them. 

This is a moving, fluid view of life, the cosmos, Godhood and religion, perhaps more like the pre-Socratics than later philosophers and theologians. But this metaphysics is also modern and futuristic in that it is a metaphysics in which material and supermaterial evolution play a vital and sacred part.

Monday, March 07, 2011

How the mind works with the four givens

The mind-brain-body is the source of past, present and future perceptions. Past perceptions in our memories intermingle with present sense perceptions. But the mind also takes into account the indwelling Will To Godhood, Spirit Within, Inward Dynamis. Then these are synthesized in the verdicts we make about reality, past, present and future. These are the four givens.

How we define reality depends on the information and knowledge we have from the four givens and how we balance these in our unity of knowledge. Everyone does not have the exact same reality, but realities tend to be basically the same because we have the same basic sense perceptions.

I prefer to simply say it is the mind which synthesizes the four givens. I do go on to define the Soul as a specific, desire-free state, at the Zenith of the Mind, which is a state accomplished by blocking all input from the four givens. Alas, in traditional mysticism this has included blocking (see The Great Spiritual Blockade)  the Spirit or the Will To Godhood which exists at the Zenith of the Soul (see the Twofold Path).

The four givens do not rightly define “idealism” but seem to define an idealistic realism or a theological materialism. The Will or Spirit is a supermaterial reality, as is the evolved-to Godhood, which are now seen through intellectual intuition, so the term idealism remains as the intellectual intuition of something that is supermaterial but not yet defined by modern empirical science, and is not spiritual.

Saturday, March 05, 2011

The Coming Economic Confrontation Few Speak Of

The usual response of the global free traders to the loss of American middle class jobs, due to moving their factories out of the country, is that Americans like to buy the cheaper products made with cheaper labor. But without jobs consumers will eventually have no money for buying cheaper products. By that time, the globalists will have pocketed their billions and moved on to their next nefarious scheme, perhaps milking some other country.

In any case, I don't think the globalist's really mind much having a wealthy elite ruling over one, vast, poor, working class. And the liberals also don't mind having a large elite government ruling over one vast working class, although our liberal president did at least mention that we should bring jobs back to this country. But then the liberals will tax those businesses out of existence and we will be back where we started.

If Pat Buchanan was 40 year old now we might be looking at our future president. Few have his courage to speak out about these things. Other younger leaders will need to rise and advocate economic nationalism, which is the system that makes all nations rise, including China today. I would also like to see far more independent power returned to the states, as the original Constitution intended.

There is a powerful, ruling, establishment in business, politics and the media---from both political parties---who promote this sort of destructive globalism, and it will be a very difficult thing to dislodge.

Few people speak of this coming economic confrontation---I hope not a war.   It will be a battle not only for the middle class, but for the life of this country.

Thursday, March 03, 2011

I see a sacred Will To Godhood as Spirit, Nietzsche saw an irrational will to power

More On Essence, Existence and Godhood

Existence doesn't derive from essence, as St Thomas seems to suggest, existence is activated by essence---the two are never separate. And it is not essence alone that denotes “reality,” as St Thomas seems to suggest, existence and essence together denote reality, unseperated. And “denote” is not the word we want here because they are reality as an object not merely a denotation.

Essence is not the “cause” of existence, essence activates existence. Even when Godhood is attained, essence or the Holy Spirit activates the existent Supreme Object which is Godhood, and then Godhood creates new worlds with Offspring-Essence-Existence-Objects whose existence is also activated by their essence or Will To Godhood.

Not “Time” but evolution is the unity in which being (becoming Godhood) and Being (Godhood) come to pass.

I agree with Heidegger (see “Heidegger and Aquinas'” by John Caputo) in his thought about the early Greek idea (before Plato/Aristotle) of a fluid “coming to presence” of Being, and then this moving Being was later made into a rigid present-ness of Being. Nietzsche seems to have thought this way too about the early Greeks. I see a sacred Will To Godhood as Spirit, Nietzsche saw an irrational will to power.

Being is not brought to a rigid presence when Godhood is attained, Godhood (Being) then transforms in the fluid movement of begetting the next Kosmic Godhood. There appears to be no end or beginning to this evolving cycle, there is only the Supreme Goal of Godhood followed by new evolving Kosmos.

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Illuminate Don't Complicate Philosophy

Regarding phenomenology, while I value what, eg. Husserl and Heidegger were trying to do, I distrust them. I think of something Russell Kirk said about poetry needing to illuminate not complicate.

I think knowledge comes in two basic ways, both of them from the senses, that is, of the material or supermaterial.

We see with our senses, we relate this to what is in our minds and memories which originally came from the senses, we also have input from the Will To Godhood or Spirit Within which is the only purely indwelling thing we have, and then we synthesize this all in the final assessment.  I have called these the four givens.

Of these the Will To Godhood or Spirit-Will is the most important or central instinct. But even the Spirit is of the material as supermaterial.

This means that science and empiricism should be able to access all of this, even the Will To Godhood which at this time is intuitively known and unseen or unknown by science. Science may also have to widen its techniques.

It seems to me that oversimplification is more noble than over-complication.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Materialist Monism

To change Pascal's statement, the Will To Godhood, or Spirit Within, has reasons of It's own which the mind needs to know about.

The Soul and Spirit cannot live without the body, and the Spirit can only be passed on through the survival, reproduction and evolution of the body.

This redeems the material world after suffering thousands of years of blockage and abuse.

In the Twofold Path we can still retain the traditional, religious, Involutionary Path to the Soul, which requires blocking the material world to attain the desire-free bliss of the Soul---but this is not Godhood. We need to add and affirm the Outward Path of evolution to real and actual Godhood at the zenith of the material and supermaterial world. Otherwise the path to Godhood may devolve in entropy.