Friday, November 19, 2010

Surrendering subject to sacred object

It takes courage to surrender the subject to the object. We prefer to think we are special, free, not a “thing.” So we try to set ourselves outside the object as a subject. This is not reality. The reality is that we are objects who think we are free subjects.

We see the great fear of philosophers in surrendering subject to object in the ways they warn us of how the communists, fascists and the Brave New World viewed humans as “merely” objects.

When we can see living objects as evolving to Godhood then objects become less cold and not removed from the sacred. Science rejects this goal as not being a part of living objects and this is mainly what makes science seem cold. But even if there was not an activating Spirit or Will to Godhood within living objects, it still seems cowardly of us to deny objects in favor of subjects.

The two ways we see ourselves, according to Roger Scruton and others, as subjects with self-conscious freedom, or as objects as part of nature's causality, are to my mind not equal ways at all. The object of causality is all there is, even if the subject can think about causality.

When the Spirit Within is included in a scientific causality activating life along the various paths of natural evolution, all the way to Godhood, then it is this which will alleviate the coldness and alienation of the object and make the object more sacred, and not something to be feared.

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