Monday, November 15, 2010

The Return To The First God

Bringing religion back to the material

If we see the different religions as part of one evolutionary history we might see the first-phase God as an actual object God, as a sort of superhuman. Then men began to distinguish themselves from God and see God outside themselves and not of the material world. The God of philosophers, God as Idea, could be seen or found inwardly but this was still a God separate from the material world.

Evolutionary Christianity could be thought of as returning to the first God, the Supreme Object God. This also means a return to the material world which was virtually exiled from serious religion. Godhood is seen as the apotheosis of the material world, we can conceive of ourselves as natural beings without being atheistic. We need not, like the Left Hegelians, replace God with humankind, we reinstate God as a supermaterial Godhood attained through evolution. The Inward God is retained as a symbol of God and activating the world to evolve to real Godhood in the Twofold Path.

By bringing religion back to the material and supermaterial, we can also bring religion back to science or science back to religion, which have been separated.

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