Friday, November 12, 2010

The Philosophical Trap of Subjects and Objects

The self or subject is part of an object like all other objects, humans as objects with minds and consciousness can become conscious of the self in various degrees of consciousness, objects can become conscious of the subject or the self.

Some objects, such as lower animals, cannot become conscious of the self, whereas the highest evolved Objects can become totally conscious of the Self, which defines Godhood. Godhood must be evolved to among the various evolving objects in the cosmos. We are objects of the world and in the world.

We don't have to attain Godhood to see the subject as object, but we have to attain Godhood to see the Totality of the subject-object. Religion has almost exclusively concentrated on the human subject becoming conscious of the object, blocking out the natural evolution that makes this fully possible.

We cannot, as humans, become fully conscious of the object contrary to many spiritual gurus, until or unless be evolve all the way to Godhood, from the material to the supermaterial. We never stand outside of nature. The distinction between the sacred and profane is based on the level of evolution leading to Godhood, or the sacred, and not on the material versus the spiritual, since the spiritual is supermaterial.

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